Греція, Аттика периферія, Афіни - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

The Calos unit is a versatile heating system that combines technology, performance, efficiency, safety, ecology, and style. With its functional design, it offers the convenience of an automated heating system. Its compact dimensions, measuring 0.7 x 0.35 x 1.9m, allow for quick and easy installation, making it an ideal choice for both residential and small professional spaces.

Unlike simple boilers, Calos is an all-in-one integrated heating system that includes a circulator, an expansion vessel, a safety valve, an automatic air vent, and an automatic filling valve with a manometer. This comprehensive system eliminates the need for additional interventions in the installation space, providing a hassle-free solution.

Designed for maximum performance and economy, Calos is available in a power range of 8 to 32 kW and features auto-cleaning capabilities. It not only provides efficient heating but also minimizes environmental impact, making it a responsible choice for eco-conscious consumers.

Whether you need to heat your home or a small professional space, the Calos unit offers the perfect combination of functionality, efficiency, and style. With its advanced features and easy installation, it is sure to meet all your heating needs with utmost convenience.