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Словаччина, Братиславський край, Братислава - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Introducing our Organic Black Garlic Craft Beer, a remarkable creation born from the collaboration of a skilled brewer and a passionate black garlic grower. This exceptional beer combines the distinct flavors of organic black garlic with our carefully crafted brewing process.

With a subtle and truly unique taste, our Organic Black Garlic Craft Beer delights the palate with the sweet and enticing aroma of black garlic. Each bottle goes through a refermentation process, ensuring a fuller and more vibrant flavor profile. We take pride in keeping our beer unfiltered and unpasteurized, allowing you to enjoy the purest form of our creation.

What sets our Organic Black Garlic Craft Beer apart is its commitment to quality and purity. We have carefully crafted this beer without the use of additives, ensuring an authentic and natural taste experience. As part of our dedication to continuous improvement, we warmly welcome your feedback, as it will shape the evolution of our recipe over time.

Delivering a satisfying blend of taste and craftsmanship, our Organic Black Garlic Craft Beer boasts an alcohol content of 6° Vol. Indulge in the delicious fusion of organic black garlic and expert brewing techniques with every sip.