
Греція, Аттика периферія, Афіни - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

In recent years, the electronic cigarette industry has experienced tremendous growth, with E-Liquid being a key driver of this expansion. Recognizing the importance of this segment, SélectArôme has been actively investing in the production of E-Liquids, establishing itself as a leading supplier to manufacturers in this industry.

At SélectArôme, our team of expert flavourists has dedicated years of research and development to create a wide range of unique and enticing flavours. These flavours are formulated using the highest standards, following the guidelines set by the Afnor standard and TPD regulations. Our regulatory department is well-equipped to provide you with all the necessary documentation to comply with TPD registration requirements, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process.

Our selection of flavours ranges from simple and straightforward to more complex and sophisticated formulations. We closely monitor market trends to offer a panel of flavours that are currently in high demand. Additionally, we proudly offer exclusive formulas upon request, allowing our clients to differentiate themselves in the market.

To continuously meet the evolving needs of our clients, we are constantly introducing new flavours on a monthly basis. This not only keeps our product offerings fresh and exciting but also enables our clients to achieve their commercial objectives by staying ahead of the competition.

A key strength of our E-Liquid flavours lies in their high concentration, which allows for a dosage of 5% in a 50u002F50 liquid. This ensures a robust and intense vaping experience, satisfying even the most discerning individuals.

Rest assured that all of our flavours undergo thorough testing in a vaping situation to guarantee their quality and performance. We take great pride in delivering products that not only meet regulatory standards but also provide an exceptional vaping experience.

Choose SélectArôme as your trusted partner in the E-Liquid industry, and let us help you elevate your business to new heights with our exceptional flavours and unparalleled expertise.