Сербія, Белград округ, Белград (Белград округ) - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Over the past few years, there has been an enormous growth in the E-Liquid industry, particularly for electronic cigarettes. At SélectArôme, we have recognized the potential of this industry and have heavily invested in becoming a leading supplier of e-liquid manufacturers.

Our team of skilled flavourists has dedicated years to developing a wide range of flavours. These flavors have been formulated based on the Afnor standard and adhere to the regulations set by the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). We understand the importance of meeting these regulations, and our regulatory department can provide you with all the necessary elements and technical documentation for your TPD registration.

We offer a diverse selection of flavors, ranging from simple to more complex formulations. Our current panel of flavors includes those that are currently trending in the market. Additionally, we also have exclusive formulas available upon request.

To ensure the highest quality, all of our flavors undergo rigorous testing in vaping situations. This allows us to provide you with flavors that not only taste great but also perform well in electronic cigarettes. Our flavors have a high concentration, allowing for a dosage of 5% to be achieved in a 50/50 liquid blend.

To keep up with the ever-evolving market, we introduce new flavors on a monthly basis. This allows our clients to stay ahead of the competition and achieve their commercial objectives.

When it comes to e-liquid for electronic cigarettes, SélectArôme is your trusted partner. We provide top-quality flavors that comply with industry standards and regulations. Experience the difference of our carefully crafted flavors and take your business to new heights.