
Австрія, Відень федеральна земля, Відень - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Product Description

Our Shinnong dried persimmons are a delicious and nutritious treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth. Unlike other dried persimmons on the market, our persimmons have a soft and sweet flesh that is bursting with flavor. They are packed with 10 times more vitamin C than apples, making them a healthy snack option. Additionally, our persimmons contain a substance called tannin, which not only helps to alleviate diarrhea but also strengthens capillaries for better overall health.

Product Features

Unlike other dried persimmons, our persimmons have a soft and sweet inside.

Product Standard

- Box: Choose from 400-500g, 500-600g, or 600-700g sizes
- Set: Includes 2 boxes for an indulgent treat

Product Users

Our dried persimmons make for a perfect gift option or a nutritious snack to enjoy on your own.

Company Information

Shinnong dried persimmons are cultivated in the pure Yeongdong dong area of Korea. This region is known for its wide temperature range and abundant sunshine, which contributes to the superior quality of our persimmons. Our products are produced using clean procedures at a modernized facility, ensuring the highest standards of quality and safety. We have also collaborated with the Institute of Health Environment to develop and ensure the quality of our products. Our goal is to establish Shinnong dried persimmons as a globally recognized brand, and we will continue to strive towards delivering the best persimmons to you. Thank you for choosing Shinnong dried persimmons.