Привід розсувних дверей для пішоходів

Великобританія, Англія, Великий Лондон, Лондон - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про товар

Обсяг замовлення від: За запитом

Умови доставки: Самовивіз

Основна інформація

Revamp of the product description:

Our industry-leading door is specifically designed for use in various industries that require high-quality insulation and durability. Manufactured using two sheets filled with 4042 kg/m³ density polyurethane insulation material, the door comes in different panel thicknesses to accommodate different needs.

You can choose between two types of door casings: the panel case and the special aluminum case. The door panels are meticulously crafted in line with paneling standards and can be optionally coated with polyester, PVC, or crni (304 quality stainless) sheet. Additionally, we offer a range of colorful panel options to suit your aesthetic preferences.

Featuring a thickness of 80-100 mm for normal cold storage, 120 mm for frozen storage tanks, and 150 mm for shock chambers, our door guarantees optimal thermal insulation. All the accessories, including carrier rails, wheels, handles, and plastic parts used in our doors, are carefully manufactured to meet international standards, ensuring their longevity and performance.

Our frozen storage room door stands out with its easily adjustable resistance, allowing for seamless operation as per your requirements. Moreover, besides the standard measurements, we offer the flexibility to produce doors in special dimensions based on your specific demands. Whether you need a panel or constructional wall installation, our doors cater to diverse installation needs with ease.

Invest in our top-of-the-line door solution, designed to cater to the unique needs of your industry while ensuring efficient operation and long-lasting performance.