Ресторанний комплекс - Золоті піски (Златні пісатки) - Варна - Болгарія

Болгарія, Варненська область, Варна (Варненська область) - подивитися точне місце розташування

Інформація про комерційну нерухомість

Умови відчуження: Проста продажа

Розмір площ у власності: 750 кв.м

Розмір земельної ділянки у власності: 750 кв.м

Основна інформація

Owners selling a restaurant complex in Golden Sands - Bulgaria.

NB! We are owners of the restaurant and all of the buildings in the ground - those are the properties we are selling, we pay NO taxes for them, it is our property! The land is owned by Golden Sands!

The total florage of the main restaurant is 703 m2. The main restaurant consists of two floors, inner bar, and a big professional kitchen with many premises for all kinds of purpose. On the outside there are big covered terraces, a big garden where tables can be placed, an outside bar - 68m2, outside toilets and place for children corners.

The restaurant complex is in the heart of Golden Sands, in front of hotel Crystal, near hotel International.

Golden Sands is one of the main tourist destinations in Bulgaria!

We are searching for a serious buyer, we have all the needed documents for selling the restaurant, there are no obstacles in the procedure! If you want more information, photos, videos or want to visit the restaurant in person, contact me on my mobile or send an email at.