Виробники ювелірних виробів-Silvesto

Індія, Раджастхан штат, Джайпур - подивитися точне місце розташування

Фінансова інформація

Термін окупності: 2000 роки

Валовий дохід: За запитом

Прибуток: За запитом

Грошовий потік: За запитом

Інформація про бізнес

Форма власності: Приватна власність

Стан бізнесу: Діючий бізнес

Умови відчуження: Проста продажа

Чисельність персоналу: 50

Термін існування: 2024 роки


Silvesto India has been in the jewelry business since 2000. Their company is called Bespoke Jewelry Manufacturers & Suppliers. They are located in Jaipur. They have received numerous certifications and accreditations that certify their products and services in the jewelry sector. They have a comprehensive jewelry catalog.

Silvesto is an unmistakable producer for gems situated in the US. The organization has been in the gems spreading the word about industry for a long time and is well for making choice and great gems pieces. Silvesto spends significant time in making remarkable and popular plans that take special care of the inclinations of present day clients. They offer an extensive variety of gems including pieces of jewelry, wristbands, studs, and rings produced using materials like gold, silver, and other valuable metals. They likewise utilize top notch gemstones for their plans, making them even more alluring and significant.