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SolarSpring GmbH is a world-leading membrane distillation specialist that offers innovative solutions for water treatment. When traditional methods of water treatment reach their limits or when the disposal of processed fluids becomes uneconomical, our membrane distillation technology comes into play. We utilize waste heat or renewable energies to improve the CO2 balance of your company while providing complete solutions for industrial wastewater treatment.
Our products find applications in various industries such as metallurgy, printed circuit technology, and research. In the metallurgical industry, our solutions are used to treat wastewater effectively. In printed circuit technology, our membrane distillation technology ensures efficient water treatment. Furthermore, our products are also employed in research for various water treatment applications.
For drinking water treatment, our solar-powered MBS systems are utilized. These systems utilize up to five treatment stages to deliver crystal-clear water. By harnessing the power of the sun, we provide sustainable solutions for clean drinking water.
Since our establishment in 2009, SolarSpring GmbH has been dedicated to being a prominent player in the membrane distillation field. We not only recognize the importance of water but also collaborate with regional suppliers and adopt a purposeful company structure.
Overall, SolarSpring GmbH is an industry-leading company specializing in membrane distillation technology, offering comprehensive solutions for water treatment while prioritizing sustainability and collaboration with regional suppliers.
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