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Schock Metall is a trusted development partner and supplier in the industry, specializing in the production of ball bearing telescopic slides, special profiles, assemblies, and sliding systems. With over 40 years of experience, we proudly utilize our proprietary Schock roll forming technology, developed in-house, to ensure the highest quality products.
By working closely with our clients in joint project planning, we are able to create cost-effective solutions for series production that meet your specific customer requirements. The performance of our products can be tailored to your specifications, offering options such as our smooth-action AIR MOTION sliding or the controlled MOTION CONTROL running characteristic.
Our comprehensive range of services covers everything from engineering to roll forming, assembly, and the creation of your customized sliding system. Additionally, our extensive network of sales and trading partners provides a standard range of telescopic slides, available in partial extension, full extension, and over-extension options. These slides offer load capacities ranging from 10 kg to 200 kg and lengths from 150 mm up to 1500 mm.
Our product offerings include ball bearing slides, telescopic slides, heavy-duty slides, sliding systems, special profiles, and assemblies.
In addition to our products, we provide a wide range of services, including roll forming, punching, powder coating, welding, assembly, quality assurance, and logistics.
For more information, please visit our dedicated pages:
- [telescopicslides.schock-metall.eu](https://telescopicslides.schock-metall.eu)
- [airmotion.schock-metall.eu](https://airmotion.schock-metall.eu)
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