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Онлайн 14 декабря 2023 На сайте с декабря 2023
Онлайн 14 декабря 2023 На сайте с декабря 2023

Paper Tech is a company that specializes in the manufacturing of a sustainable alternative to plastic straws called The Straw by Paper Tech. Our straws are manufactured in Germany using the best components available in the country, ensuring a high-quality and long-lasting solution to reduce the environmental impact of plastic.

What sets The Straw by Paper Tech apart from other drinking straws on the market is our special manufacturing technology, which makes it incredibly durable. This durability, combined with its stability, allows our straw to be used for both cold and warm drinks, making it versatile for different beverage preferences.

Furthermore, our straws are carefully crafted from top-quality components, making them suitable for everyone. They are gluten-free, vegan, and compostable, ensuring that they meet various dietary and environmental needs. Additionally, our straws are also biodegradable, meaning that they break down naturally over time and can be composted, further minimizing their impact on the environment compared to disposable plastic straws.

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