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We are a company that specializes in the production of various herbs, spices, and their essential oils. Our expertise lies in the cultivation and processing of oregano and oregano oil, with a long-standing experience in this field. In addition, we also offer a variety of dried fruits, sunflower seeds, and nuts, which we source from our trusted local farmers.
Our strength lies in our close proximity to these farmers, allowing us to maintain a strong relationship and ensure the quality of our products throughout the sorting and grinding processes of the raw materials.
We take pride in producing our oregano and dried fruits, sunflower seeds directly in Denizli, Turkey, working closely with our own contracted farmers to guarantee the products' authenticity and origin.
Furthermore, we understand the growing demand for organic products, and therefore, we also offer a range of organic options to cater to our customers' specific requirements. If you are interested in any of our products, please do not hesitate to reach out and send us your inquiry. We are committed to finding the best solution for your orders and providing you with high-quality products that meet your needs.
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