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LUSO BARREL is a family-owned cooperage located near Porto in northern Portugal. As a supplier of new and used wooden barrels, we specialize in producing specialty barrels, with a particular focus on used port wine barrels, new oak barrels, and decorative barrels made from a variety of different woods. Our cooperage combines cutting-edge technology with traditional craftsmanship, augmenting the invaluable skills of our highly skilled coopers with modern machinery to enhance efficiency and ensure superior quality control.
Being situated in Portugal grants us access to a pool of skilled craftsmen and a cost base that is significantly lower than many other European countries. This advantage enables us to offer an appealing combination of high-quality wooden barrels at competitive prices. Moreover, our proximity to the demarcated region where all Port wine is produced provides us with exclusive access to used Port wine barrels. Through our long-standing relationships with Port wine producers, we can offer an unparalleled assortment of used Port wine barrels, accompanied by complementary options such as used sherry barrels for fortified wine aging.
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