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Онлайн 1 декабря 2023 На сайте с декабря 2023

Köstlin Prepress Services specializes in providing comprehensive pre-press solutions for various packaging components and printing processes. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and efficient implementation of each project, with a central contact person assigned to coordinate all tasks internally.

As your single point of contact, we offer a streamlined process for the creation of packaging designs, ensuring accurate reproduction for any packaging type. We also handle communication with manufacturers and provide state-of-the-art production facilities for flexographic printing clichés and sleeves. This eliminates unnecessary overlaps, maximizes efficiency, and reduces costs.

In addition to our pre-press services, we offer a tailored database solution that acts as a central hub for your packaging workflow. This solution includes release management and serves as a repository for your final print data, further enhancing the efficiency of your packaging production process.

With Köstlin Prepress Services, you can rely on our expertise and dedication to deliver high-quality pre-press solutions that meet your unique packaging needs.

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