Местоположение на карте
Онлайн 17 июля 2023 На сайте с июля 2023
Онлайн 17 июля 2023 На сайте с июля 2023

Our company, Hayger Organic, was established in 2007 in Denizli by Muhammet YAKAR with a focus on agricultural production and export. We have made significant strides in the industry, positioning ourselves as a leading player in the oyster mushroom sector. With our unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability, we have successfully expanded our product offerings under the brands HAYGER and XAYME. From our humble beginnings, we have transformed our dreams into a thriving reality, offering a diverse range of organic agricultural products to meet the growing demands of the market. With a deep-rooted expertise and years of experience in the field, we continue to innovate and meet the ever-evolving needs of our customers.

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