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DURAN d.d. Pula is a globally recognized company that specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of custom-made technical glass products. With a focus on borosilicate 3.3. Duran glass, the company produces a wide range of laboratory and industrial glass assortments. These products are created through hand-blown and hand-pressed production techniques.
Our extensive production assortment includes an array of essential items such as flasks, laboratory bottles, beakers, milk jars for milking machines, hot water boilers, aircraft glass, illuminating bulks, protective glass, insulators, and washing machine windows.
As part of the DURAN Group, we combine the strengths of an illustrious history with the visionary spirit of Otto Schott, the founder of borosilicate glass technology. Schott's revolutionary advancements not only laid the foundation for our success but also transformed modern chemistry by enabling previously unthinkable analytical procedures. Over the past 120 years, DURAN® glass has demonstrated its exceptional quality and reliability not only in laboratories but also in industries and households worldwide.
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