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DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH is a leading company in the development and manufacturing of high-precision measurement devices and controls for demanding positioning tasks. Our extensive experience and expertise in linear and angular metrology allow us to create innovative solutions for various industries.
Our range of products includes linear and angle encoders, rotary encoders, digital readouts, and numerical controls. These products are utilized primarily in high-precision machine tools and in plants involved in the production and processing of electronic components. By providing reliable and accurate measurement devices, we contribute to the automation of future plants and production machines.
What sets us apart is our ability to deliver customized solutions tailored to the unique requirements of our customers. Our expertise in metrology has led us to develop and build measuring and test equipment for world standards laboratories. We have also supplied angle encoders for telescopes and satellite receiving antennas. The knowledge gained from these custom projects benefits our standard product offerings as well.
To ensure the highest quality standards, we have specialized production facilities and state-of-the-art measuring equipment. Our clean-room building, designed specifically for scale manufacturing, features temperature stabilization and vibration insulation measures. Additionally, we develop and build the machines required for the production and measurement of linear and circular graduations and copying machines.
Overall, DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH is at the forefront of the industry, delivering advanced measurement devices and controls, and continuously pushing the boundaries of precision and automation.
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