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Онлайн 21 октября 2023 На сайте с октября 2023
Онлайн 21 октября 2023 На сайте с октября 2023

COBURCH is a leading company in the produce industry, specializing in the cultivation, commercialization, and distribution of fruits and vegetables. With offices in Mexico and plans to expand to Spain, we are able to ensure high-quality products and secure business partnerships in both regions. Our expertise lies in the supply of avocado, pineapple, and lemon.

At COBURCH, we pride ourselves on providing the best price and superior quality products by eliminating unnecessary middleman chains. Our dedicated sourcing department is available to assist you in finding the perfect product that meets your specific requirements. Whether you are considering establishing business operations in Mexico or seeking reliable produce suppliers, we are here to help.

For further information or to discuss potential collaborations, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Географическая специализация:

Северная Америка