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Онлайн 10 декабря 2023 На сайте с декабря 2023
Онлайн 10 декабря 2023 На сайте с декабря 2023

BV Srl specializes in the design and construction of shot blasting machines and shot blasting plants. Our company is dedicated to providing high-quality automatic mono wheel shot blasting machines and plants for metal surface treatment in various industry sectors.

One of the key advantages of our BV shot blasting machines and equipment is their exceptional durability and longevity. We construct our machines using special steel with Manganese metal of great thickness, ensuring their resistance to wear and tear. Additionally, our machines are equipped with advanced single-disc turbines and top-notch electrical components.

Our shot blasting and shot peening equipment offers fast and cost-effective results for metal surface treatment. We incorporate the latest technology components and automation into our shotblasting machines and shot-blasting chambers to achieve optimal results, minimize maintenance costs, and extend the lifetime of the machinery.

Companies from around the world, spanning industries such as oil and gas, pipes, fittings, shipbuilding, automotive, aerospace, and military, rely on BV shot blasting solutions to meet their specific needs for metal surface treatment.

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