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On-line 2 julho 2023 Inscrito desde julho 2023
On-line 2 julho 2023 Inscrito desde julho 2023

Lienig Wildfruchverarbeitung is a leading supplier and service provider to the food industry, specializing in the fruit juice and beverage sector. With a strong focus on providing high-quality fruits, we offer both end products and semi-finished products to meet the diverse needs of our customers.

Our commitment extends beyond the food industry, as we also cater to the growing demand for organic products in the non-food sector. Our wide range of offerings ensures that we can fulfill the needs of various industries.

Collaborating closely with processing companies, we tailor-make semi-finished products in terms of composition and consistency. This level of customization allows us to provide our customers with precisely what they require.

As you navigate through our pages, you will discover our top sellers among the vast array of products we offer. Additionally, we also offer batch sizes suitable for end consumers, which are conveniently available at our online shop: http: shop.

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