
Pologne, Voïvodie de Mazovie, Varsovie - voir l'emplacement exact

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Volume de commande de: Sur demande

Conditions de livraison: Ramasser


Vanilla is a highly sought-after plant from the orchid family that thrives in the tropical zones of South and Central America. Though it is now primarily cultivated in Madagascar and Indonesia, its origins lie in the lush tropical forests of these regions. Harvesting vanilla beans involves selecting them when they are still green and allowing them to undergo a natural fermentation process. During this time, they turn brown and emit a delectably sweet and intense aroma. The cultivation of vanilla is a laborious and complex process, making it the second most expensive spice in the world, second only to saffron.When it comes to flavor, Laski vanilla reigns supreme. Its aromatic profile surpasses that of vanilla oil, extract, or powder. The u003Cstrongu003Evanilationu003Cu002Fstrongu003E in Laski vanilla is known for its rich, aromatic, and sweet fragrance. This makes it an ideal spice for adding a touch of indulgence to cakes, pastries, and desserts. Additionally, it is commonly used in the production of luxurious chocolates and creamy ice creams. Surprisingly, vanilla also pairs well with savory dishes, particularly in fish and meat sauces. It blends harmoniously with complementary spices like cinnamon and cloves. To make the most of this precious spice, simply cut a vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape out the flavorful pulp using the end of a knife or a teaspoon.

Prix ​​sur demande
RADZIOWI SP. Z O.O. Membre depuis le juillet 2023 En ligne 16 juillet 2023 Voir toutes les annonces(10)