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En ligne 4 janvier 2024 Membre depuis le janvier 2024
En ligne 4 janvier 2024 Membre depuis le janvier 2024

NORMIT is a leading company in the food industry, specializing in the production of technological equipment. With a focus on innovation and high-quality solutions, NORMIT offers a wide range of frying equipment, as well as vacuum and pressure equipment with efficient oil circulation. The company's expertise extends to honey processing, where their innovative technologies can accelerate the crystallization process by up to 20 times, while also providing optimal creaming and pasteurization solutions.

NORMIT is recognized as a leader in various areas, including oiling, fruit and vegetable processing, mixing, dispersion, and vacuum processing systems. The company manufactures its equipment in Europe, using components solely from European manufacturers. This ensures a long service life and consistent quality for their products.

By providing ready-made solutions, NORMIT helps optimize energy and raw material consumption, reducing production time and ultimately lowering the cost of final products without compromising quality.

For more information, you can visit their website at

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