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En ligne 2 décembre 2023 Membre depuis le décembre 2023
En ligne 2 décembre 2023 Membre depuis le décembre 2023

KERSTEN Elektrostatik GmbH is a global system supplier with over 45 years of experience in providing charging and discharging products. Our products are known for their intelligence and simplicity, making them highly efficient and secure for your production processes.

We pride ourselves in offering technical perfection, allowing our products to meet the highest quality requirements. With our unique direct voltage method and in-house production capabilities, we are able to tailor our products specifically to your production requirements.

Throughout our history, we have supplied various applications in different industrial areas, establishing ourselves as a trusted partner in the industry. Our team is dedicated to providing excellent support and ensuring your success.

Choose KERSTEN products for maximum efficiency and security in your production processes, today and in the future. We are excited to work with you and support your business.

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