Melan Tran3X" does not have a direct translation in Spanish since it appears to be a brand or product name. However, if you want to keep the same name while adapting it for a Spanish-speaking audience, you could use "Melan Tran3X" as it is since it doesn't change significantly when pronounced in Spanish.

Gran Bretaña, Inglaterra, Gran Londres, Londres - ver ubicación exacta

Información del producto

Volumen de pedidos desde: Bajo pedido

Terminos de entrega: Recoger

Información básica

Introducing our revolutionary CBD Night Cream, specially formulated to keep your face skin moisturized and protected during the night. This product is especially beneficial for countries with colder climates or during the winter season when indoor heating can leave your skin dry and damaged. Our CBD Night Cream creates a long-lasting protective layer that deeply hydrates the skin, combating the effects of dryness and sensitivity caused by harsh environmental conditions.

In addition to its superior moisturizing properties, our CBD-infused formula works wonders in reducing skin inflammation caused by acne, psoriasis, and eczema. By incorporating CBD into our Night Cream, we are harnessing the natural anti-inflammatory properties of this compound to provide an extra level of relief for those struggling with these common skin conditions.

Experience the transformative power of our CBD Night Cream and wake up to revitalized, nourished, and healthy-looking skin. Beat the harsh winters and combat skin dryness with our unique formulation.