Generador diésel de 60 kVA - MOTOR DETROIT

Turquía, Región de Mármara, Estanbul - ver ubicación exacta

Información del producto

Volumen de pedidos desde: Bajo pedido

Terminos de entrega: Recoger

Información básica

The CSN® HECT, HEVT, and HECTu002FVT by Schniewindt is a cutting-edge solution designed for applications in high voltage AC substations. This product combines advanced sensor technology and optical-digital data transfer, conforming to the industry standard IEC 6185092.

To measure the required values, the CSN® HECT, HEVT, and HECTu002FVT utilize conventional sensor elements such as the Ru002FC high voltage divider for voltage measurement and Rogowski coil for current measurement. These elements record the analog signal form on the HV line potential and transfer the data to the Remote Data Module (RDM) mounted within the instrument transformer.

The RDM then converts the recorded data into a digital serial protocol and transmits it via optical fiber to the Merging Unit (MU), which is typically located in the control room. The distance between the instrument transformer and the MU can reach up to 1 km.

The MU plays a key role in this system as it transforms the data protocol from three instrument transformers into the protocol specified by IEC 6185092. This ensures seamless and efficient signal output for various applications.