Huevos de pollo fertilizados / Huevos de pollo broiler Cobb 500 / Frescos

Gran Bretaña, Inglaterra, Gran Londres, Londres - ver ubicación exacta

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Información básica

Introducing Fosfotop, our highly effective phosphorus bolus supplement specifically formulated for cattle in the agriculture industry. With a focus on addressing mineral imbalances commonly observed during calving, Fosfotop provides rapid relief by replenishing phosphorus levels in the animals.

As we know, calcium deficiency is a well-recognized issue in such cases. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the often overlooked phosphorus deficiency, which can contribute to the development of the downer cow syndrome. Unlike conditions like milk fever, where temperature, heart rate, and breathing may fluctuate, Fosfotop ensures these vital signs remain stable while providing the necessary phosphorus support needed for optimal cattle health during the calving process.

Our product is meticulously crafted to cater specifically to the demands of the industry, ensuring that the mineral imbalance issues prevailing around calving are efficiently addressed. Count on Fosfotop to help maintain proper mineral levels, enhance overall cattle well-being, and ensure a successful calving experience.