
Die Türkei, Marmara Region, Istanbul - siehe genauen Standort


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Introducing the smart solution for the food industry: the Fully-automatic defatting machine ASD 460. Specifically designed for the removal of fat layers from loins and cutlets, this machine offers a range of advantages.

One of the standout features is the fully-automatic recognition of the fat strength using Weber camera technology. This advanced technology enables the machine to accurately determine the fat strength and adjust its movements accordingly. The result is a uniform fat removal process, ensuring consistent quality and minimizing the need for reworking or trimming.

With a sensor-controlled electronic spring, the machine applies the perfect amount of pressure for optimal fat removal. This precise control guarantees that each product is treated with the right amount of pressure, resulting in evenly trimmed cuts.

The benefits of using the Fully-automatic defatting machine ASD 460 extend beyond the removal of fat. By preserving the integrity of the cut, this machine enables the production of back bacon instead of small trimmings. This not only improves the product image but also enhances cooking results after slicing.

To accommodate different products and specific requirements, the machine offers product-specific blade holders. This customization ensures efficient and effective fat removal for a variety of cuts.

The Fully-automatic defatting machine ASD 460 is also compatible with pre-installed derinders, making it a versatile tool for complete processing solutions.

For added convenience and optimal performance, several options are available, including special Weber transport rollers, product-specific pressure devices for products with and without bones, and fixed or adjustable guide plates for supply and output belts. These options allow for further customization and adaptability to different production needs.

In summary, the Fully-automatic defatting machine ASD 460 is a cutting-edge solution for the food industry. Its advanced features, precise control, and customizable options make it an ideal choice for achieving consistent, high-quality results in fat removal processes.

Preis auf Anfrage
IVIR ZIVIR Mitglied seit Dezember 2023 Online 7 Dezember 2023 Alle Ankündigungen ansehen(6)