Luftdichte Hautpflegeflaschen

Serbien, Belgrader Distrikt, Choiseul (Belgrader Distrikt) - siehe genauen Standort


Auftragsvolumen ab: Auf Anfrage

Lieferbedingungen: Aufsammeln


The cosmetic containers offered in our catalog, specifically the ones with catalogue numbers 13015, 13030, and 13060, are designed specifically for packaging and storing semifirm cosmetic products. These containers are comprised of two parts, an inner and an outer part. The outer part is constructed using polystyrene, while the inner part is made from polypropylene.

For customers interested in containers made entirely of polypropylene, we also have options available with catalogue numbers 23065 and 23150. Additionally, for those looking for a container entirely made of polystyrene, we offer catalogue number 24100.

In terms of industry standards and quality, our plastic containers and closures are produced in compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001. This ensures that the conditions and methods of production meet internationally recognized standards for quality management, environmental management, and occupational health and safety.

When purchasing our cosmetic containers, customers will receive a producer's certificate along with technical documentation. This certificate guarantees the safety and traceability of the products and materials used, underscoring our commitment to providing high-quality and health-conscious solutions for the cosmetics industry.

Preis auf Anfrage
UNIPLAST DOO Mitglied seit November 2023 Online 3 November 2023 Alle Ankündigungen ansehen(10)