Plastikbehälter mit Gewinde für Pharmazeutika

Serbien, Belgrader Distrikt, Choiseul (Belgrader Distrikt) - siehe genauen Standort


Auftragsvolumen ab: Auf Anfrage

Lieferbedingungen: Aufsammeln


Airless bottles are specifically designed for the packaging and storage of semi-firm cosmetic products. These bottles are particularly beneficial as they are made entirely of plastic components, completely free from any metal parts. One of their noteworthy features is the inclusion of an automated self-gasketing valve, which effectively prevents air from entering and safeguards the product against contamination and oxidation.

The user-friendly mechanism of airless bottles allows for convenient dosage of the product from any position, ensuring maximum utilization with an impressive usage rate of over 98%. We take pride in adhering to the highest industry standards, as the manufacturing process of our plastic containers and closures complies with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 regulations.

To further guarantee the safety and reliability of our products, we provide a manufacturer's certificate along with comprehensive technical and health-related documentation. Rest assured that our airless bottles are meticulously inspected and approved for their suitability in preserving and maintaining the quality of your cosmetic products.

Preis auf Anfrage
UNIPLAST DOO Mitglied seit November 2023 Online 3 November 2023 Alle Ankündigungen ansehen(10)