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Welcome to NYOBE NV, Belgium's premier producer of high-grade nylon 6 polymers and PA6 BCF yarns. With a passion for performance and a commitment to our customers and partners, NYOBE aims to push the boundaries of what nylon 6 and its various spinoffs can achieve. At NYOBE, we draw inspiration from the Greek myth of Niobe, the Queen of Thebes, whose tragic story serves as a reminder of the power of transformation. Niobe, who boasted about the beauty of her twelve children, faced the wrath of the gods and was ultimately turned into a weeping rock on Mount Sipylus. Her tears, represented by the waterfalls and rivers flowing down the mountain, symbolize the source of our company's success. Established in 1976 as BEAULIEU NYLON NV in Kruishoutem, NYOBE NV carries on the spirit of Niobe's story by transforming raw materials into high-quality polymers and spinning them into PA6 BCF yarns. Our dedication to quality and innovation allows us to create products that bring life to a myriad of applications in various industries across the globe. Let us come together, united by a shared vision, and weave the magic of metamorphosis.
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