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Online 4 Januar 2024 Mitglied seit Januar 2024
Online 4 Januar 2024 Mitglied seit Januar 2024

We are a Turkish company established in 1999, specializing in the manufacturing and exporting of nuts and Turkish delight. Our products, as showcased in the images, are produced in-house with utmost care and attention to detail. In addition to our own brand, we are proud to have three more reputable brands in the global market - Lokoom, Cappadox, and Pakto.

Turkish delight, a beloved and traditional treat, can be savored as a delightful dessert or paired perfectly with a cup of coffee. Our website displays the wide variety of high-quality products we offer, showcasing the range of flavors and specifications available.

Over the years, we have built strong partnerships within the Turkish market, collaborating with numerous nuts, dried fruit, and dessert companies. Their satisfaction with our products and services serves as a testament to our expertise and reliability in the industry.

Geografische Spezialisierung:

Die Türkei