الموقع على الخريطة
متصل 13 يونيه 2023 انضم لأجودا منذ يونيه 2023
متصل 13 يونيه 2023 انضم لأجودا منذ يونيه 2023

LeKH is a leading service provider offering comprehensive management solutions for public rental housing. As a company that specializes in rental management services, LeKH caters to the unique and specific needs of the housing industry. The platform provides a one-stop-shop for the management of all rental properties, including maintenance, tenant screening, rent collection and legal compliance. With its wealth of experience in the industry, LeKH is committed to providing exceptional services that enhance the lives of tenants while ensuring landlords get the best financial returns on their investments. Ultimately, LeKH's mission is to facilitate a seamless, stress-free process for all parties by reducing vacancy rates, maximizing revenue and optimizing the overall housing experience.

التخصص الجغرافي:
