Корм и добавки для лошадей

США, Коннектикут штат, Нью-Лондон - посмотреть точное местоположение

Информация о товаре

Объем заказа от: По запросу

Условия доставки: Самовывоз

Основная информация

Introducing Fosfotop, the ultimate solution to address mineral imbalances in the cattle industry. Our phosphorus bolus, specifically formulated for cattle, is a high-performance supplement that swiftly tackles the issue during calving. While calcium deficiency is a well-known concern, we understand that phosphorus deficiency is equally significant and can trigger the downer cow syndrome. Unlike milk fever, the downer cow syndrome presents stable temperature, heartbeat, and breathing patterns. Fosfotop is meticulously designed to combat this phosphorus deficiency, ensuring the overall well-being and health of your valuable herd. With its fast-acting properties and targeted approach, Fosfotop guarantees a swift resolution to any mineral imbalance, elevating your cattle's performance and preventing potential complications. Trust Fosfotop to keep your cattle healthy and thriving during critical calving periods.