Расширение TB1000

Германия, Берлин земля, Берлин - посмотреть точное местоположение

Информация о товаре

Объем заказа от: По запросу

Условия доставки: Самовывоз

Основная информация

Introducing our innovative lifting aid designed specifically for industrial applications. Our cutting-edge device features a smooth hoist mechanism that effortlessly lowers and raises racks, such as sieve baskets, hooks, wire mesh crates, or similar, which securely hold workpieces during various processes. This exceptional tool revolutionizes the loading and unloading procedures by enabling operators to effortlessly perform these tasks at a comfortable height. Moreover, our lifting aid ensures that workers maintain a safe distance from potentially hazardous chemicals by eliminating any direct contact. Trust our product to enhance the efficiency and safety of your industrial operations.