Сертифицированный ATEX радарный индукционный фонарь для дорожных дорожек, туннельный светильник

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Introducing the cutting-edge Y series industrial high bay LED luminaire, designed to revolutionize conventional lighting in various industries. This luminaire not only provides exceptional lighting quality but also functions as an emergency light, ensuring uninterrupted lighting levels to mitigate risks and facilitate emergency response actions.Equipped with a convenient button, the emergency function can be easily disabled or activated as needed. Additionally, the push button allows users to test the functionality of the emergency lighting, ensuring its reliable operation when required. To further enhance usability, the luminaire features an operation indicator for the emergency module, providing clear feedback on its status.Choosing the right lighting solution is crucial for achieving optimal financial gains and long-term lighting comfort. With the Y series industrial high bay LED luminaire, you can effortlessly meet these requirements while enhancing safety and efficiency across various industrial sectors.