Flytec 6030 - любимый пилотами дельтапланеристов во всем мире

Словения, Осреднесловенска регия, Любляна - посмотреть точное местоположение

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Условия доставки: Самовывоз

Основная информация

The 6030 is a specialized instrument designed specifically for Hang Glider pilots, who demand precision and accuracy in their airspeed measurements. Equipped with a highly accurate pitot tube airspeed indicator and a total energy compensation calculator, this instrument ensures reliable performance in the challenging gliding industry.Although it has been surpassed by the advanced Blade model, the 6030 remains a trusted choice among Hang Glider pilots worldwide. Known for its tried and true performance, it offers a comprehensive range of navigation features to assist pilots during their flights. Additionally, its compatibility with an SD card allows for virtually unlimited flight recording, enabling pilots to analyze and improve their techniques.With its focus on meeting the unique needs of Hang Glider pilots, the 6030 is a reliable and indispensable tool in the industry.