Экстра фосфит

Испания, Кастилия-Ла-Манча автономное сообщество, Мадридехос - посмотреть точное местоположение

Информация о товаре

Объем заказа от: По запросу

Условия доставки: Самовывоз

Основная информация

Granule fertilizer, also known as Carbamide, is a highly sought-after and cost-effective chemical fertilizer within the industry. With its larger size range of 2 to 4 mm, granules provide greater strength and durability compared to prill fertilizer, which falls between 1 to 2/4 mm in size. Although both prilled and granulated urea share similar composition and thermal characteristics, the internal structure of granules sets them apart, leading to superior mechanical properties. This fertilizer is globally recognized for its ability to efficiently supply nitrogen to plants. Urea is non-acidic, non-alkaline, and highly soluble in water, making it a safe choice for agricultural use. Its wide availability and affordability make it a popular choice among farmers and gardeners alike. Choose granule fertilizer for superior strength and nutrient delivery, ensuring healthy and thriving crops.