Линии связывания нетканых материалов

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Объем заказа от: По запросу

Условия доставки: Самовывоз

Основная информация

nmPilot is a control room application specifically designed for the Mahlo equipment industry. With this software, users can easily configure up to ten Mahlo devices using a single control centre. The application provides a clear and organized display of individually selected data from multiple devices, making it a valuable tool for production and shift managers to efficiently handle their daily operations.

Some key features of nmPilot include the ability to monitor running processes of up to ten Mahlo machines simultaneously, job control for configuring jobs and recipes, and the configuration of product lines and machines. The software also includes alarm management for both current and historical warnings, ensuring that any issues can be promptly addressed. Additionally, nmPilot supports various communication protocols such as OPC UA, OPC DA, Modbus TCP, Profibus, Profinet, and Ethernet/IP.

For enhanced functionality, nmPilot allows for the start of predefined jobs, but this feature only applies when used in conjunction with mCockpit. With nmPilot, control room operations become more streamlined and efficient, ultimately optimizing productivity in the Mahlo equipment industry.