Pile Weatherstrip" in Russian is translated as "Уплотнительный профиль с ворсом".

Украина, Киевская область, Киев - посмотреть точное местоположение

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Условия доставки: Самовывоз

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Archifit® Timber Door Seals are innovative sealing solutions specifically designed for the inner room and outer entrance doors in the timber industry. These seals effectively bridge the gap between the active and inactive leafs of the doors. Operating dynamically on the door frame, Archifit® Timber Door Seals offer multiple benefits. They effectively prevent draught, block the transmission of light and dust, provide excellent thermal insulation, and create a reliable barrier against noise pollution. With their advanced sealing technology, Archifit® Timber Door Seals ensure a comfortable and energy-efficient environment while enhancing the overall performance of timber doors in various industries.