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Условия доставки: Самовывоз

Основная информация

Our food grade silicone products are manufactured using platinum cured silicone, ensuring high quality and durability. These products have a very low glass transition temperature and are transparent, allowing for clear visibility of the fabric reinforcement. With excellent heat resistance, they can withstand temperatures ranging from 50°C to 180°C.

To cater to various needs, we offer a wide range of sizes and shapes, including straights, straight reducers, elbow 90 degrees, elbow 45 degrees, elbow 135 degrees, and 180 degrees. Additionally, we are also capable of developing bespoke shapes based on your specific requirements and designs.

Our food grade silicone products are commonly used in the food industry, as they are formulated to meet strict industry standards. They have been FDA approved, ensuring that they are safe for use with food products. These silicone formulations have reduced food taint and minimal bacteria buildup, ultimately resulting in lower maintenance costs.