Крем для подтяжки груди 150 мл

Польша, Мазовецкое воеводство, Варшава - посмотреть точное местоположение

Информация о товаре

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Условия доставки: Самовывоз

Основная информация

The Transform HA® Serum is a revolutionary product tailored specifically to the needs of the beauty industry. With an impressive 9% concentration of active substances, it guarantees exceptional results. Thanks to the innovative formula, which includes VECTICELL™ HA and Glycohyal LW, this serum is packed with pure hyaluronic acid that provides numerous benefits.

The lipo-gel consistency of the serum ensures both ease of application and optimal absorption time. With its smooth and velvety texture, it leaves your skin feeling luxurious and hydrated.

Transform HA® Serum is suitable for various applications in the beauty industry. It is particularly effective for micro-needle and fractional therapies, such as using a roller or stamp. Additionally, it is recommended for manual application after intense treatments like needleless mesotherapy and sonophoresis.

By incorporating Transform HA® Serum into your skincare routine, you can enjoy the benefits of its high concentration of pure hyaluronic acid and experience rejuvenated, radiant skin.