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Условия доставки: Самовывоз

Основная информация

MAG has recently introduced a new product, HEPA grade meltblown, specifically designed for the medical and personal protective filter material industry. This innovative product utilizes the water electret technique, resulting in improved efficiency and permeability. MAG HEPA is capable of meeting the high standards of filtration efficiency ranging from H10 to H14.

Compared to general meltblown materials, the HEPA grade offers lower air resistance and superior performance. It effectively removes a minimum of 99% of aerosols with a diameter of 0.3 micrometers (μm), effectively preventing the spread of dust, pollen, and PM 2.5 particles.

MAG prioritizes quality control, ensuring every roll of HEPA grade meltblown undergoes rigorous testing using the TSI-8130 automated filter tester. This state-of-the-art equipment is widely recognized and utilized by international testing laboratories, including renowned establishments such as Nelson Labs and TTRI.