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Молдова, Кишинёв муниципий, Кишинёв - посмотреть точное местоположение

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Условия доставки: Самовывоз

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Product Information:
The tangerine, also known as the hesperidium, is a small citrus fruit that is closely related to the orange. It is renowned for its diverse features, including its unique size, shape, and taste. Unlike oranges, tangerines have a lower acidic content and possess a pleasantly sweet flavor. The prime time for tangerine harvesting occurs between October and January. With its rich and complex vitamin content, the tangerine is an ideal choice for individuals seeking to incorporate preventive health care measures into their diet.

Originating from China, the tangerine gradually spread across Southwest China and India before eventually reaching Europe. In 1805, it was introduced in England as a cultivated fruit. The Mediterranean tangerine, which is derived from the seeds of the \