Средний крупный булгур с вермишелью

Турция, Мраморноморский регион, Стамбул - посмотреть точное местоположение

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Условия доставки: Самовывоз

Основная информация

Coarse Bulgur is a type of cracked wheat berry widely used in the ancient Middle Eastern cuisine. This product is derived from hulled wheat berries, primarily from the durum variety, that undergo a meticulous processing method to eliminate a small portion of the bran. With its origins deeply rooted in the cultural and culinary heritage of the Middle East, Coarse Bulgur has become a staple in many traditional dishes of the region, offering a rich and hearty texture to various recipes. Its coarse texture adds a unique chewiness and nuttiness to salads, pilafs, and stews, making it a versatile ingredient for both vegetarian and meat-based meals. Whether you are exploring Middle Eastern cuisine or simply seeking a wholesome addition to your pantry, Coarse Bulgur serves as an authentic and ancient grain that brings a touch of history and flavor to your culinary creations.