A profitable European company is looking for an investor partner
Литва, Вильнюсский уезд, Вильнюс - посмотреть точное местоположениеКатегория
Стадия инвестирования: Действующий бизнес
Предполагаемая доля инвестора: 49 %
Срок окупаемости : 1-2 год(а)
We are the European company INVEST HOLDING, based in Lithuania and successfully providing legal, consulting, accounting and business services for the countries of Africa and Asia.
99% of these services are performed remotely and can be sold online.
We have a working profitable business that brings in about $ 250,000 per year and we want to increase our profits to
$ 2,000,000 - $ 3,000,000 per year. We have everything for this - and we are ready to split the profit in half with our future investor, partner.
Our website- https://investhldm.com/index.php
Our YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWn2ZNOOzSs&feature=emb_logo
Our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invest.holding/
Our Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Invest-Holding-English-2306228042753371
Required investments - $ 600,000
-We are not a startup with cosmic ideas and billions of dollars in obscure spending.
-We have hundreds of payment receipts from clients and bank statements of our income.
-Our company has never attracted third-party investments, it has always had a single shareholder and director.
-Our company has been working with profit from the first day and net profit is from $ 250,000 per year. We have been on the market for over 2 years.
We can offer you exactly 49% of the shares of our company for $ 600,000, which will be mastered within 5-6 months and our company will increase its turnover. You will be a full-fledged equal partner with access to your bank account and all company resources. All important decisions will be made jointly.
If you need a European residence, then a bonus for you will be the fact that based on this partnership, you and your family in the amount of up to 3 people, in addition to you, will automatically receive a permanent residence permit card for 3 years in an accelerated mode within 2 months since our company has a large turnover and pays taxes.