Kits de Palco

Reino Unido, Inglaterra, Grande Londres, Londres - veja a localização exata

Informações do produto

Volume de pedidos de: A pedido

Termos de entrega: Escolher

Informação básica

StackaStage is a leading manufacturer and distributor of portable, modular staging systems specifically designed for the hospitality sector, schools, choirs, and events. Our stage systems are made from lightweight components, making them easy to lift, assemble, and disassemble as needed. Whether you require a single presentation podium or a large multi-level performance stage, our compact and easy-to-store modular staging system can be set up by just one person in a matter of minutes. One of the key features of StackaStage is its simplicity. The system is designed in a way that even primary school children can assemble it with minimal instruction. This ease of use, combined with the smooth and clean components, versatility, and ultra-compact storage, has made StackaStage particularly popular in the school and education sector. In fact, we have over 1000 systems in use in schools.In addition to our staging systems, we also manufacture a wide range of components and accessories. Whether you need individual components or a complete kit with a storage trolley and all the necessary parts for various stage layouts, we have you covered. Our kits not only make ordering easier but also offer cost savings compared to purchasing individual components.StackaStage is proudly designed and manufactured by Avocet Engineering Services Ltd. in our own UK factory. We use high-quality birch plywood and ensure that our stages are finished to a furniture standard. This means that our staging systems can be used not only as standalone setups but also as the hidden support structure for more traditional staging and scenery.At StackaStage, we supply our staging systems to suppliers, retailers, and businesses, either directly or through resellers. To learn more about our products and explore the options available to you, visit our website and browse our range of staging systems. Whether you need modular stages for temporary installations or a complete stage kit, StackaStage has the solution .