Esferas de parada de PVC Renderplas

Reino Unido, Inglaterra, Grande Londres, Londres - veja a localização exata

Informações do produto

Volume de pedidos de: A pedido

Termos de entrega: Escolher


Vosse, known for its expertise in raw steel and heavy constructions, also showcases its precision and aesthetic abilities through various projects. One such project involved the creation of facade elements for a Swiss client. These elements, made from powder coated aluminum, will be integrated into the modern residential building's facade in Zurich (shown in the first 2 pictures).The following elements, depicted in photos 3 and 4, underwent a series of meticulous operations, demonstrating our dedication to excellence. Notably, our team executed glass beading and stud shooting, tasks that are rarely accomplished by companies within our industry. These elements are stainless anchors designed for mounting facades on high-rise buildings. The successful completion of this order highlights the exceptional teamwork and capabilities of our entire Vosse team.