Suporte de fechamento anti-pássaro

Espanha, Comunidade autônoma de Castela-La Mancha, Madridejos - veja a localização exata

Informações do produto

Volume de pedidos de: A pedido

Termos de entrega: Escolher


The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) is a trusted certification body that ensures the quality and safety of products in South Africa. Established in 1945 under the National Standards Act, SABS operates under the supervision of the South African Ministry of Trade and Industry. As a neutral third-party, SABS is responsible for both system certification and product certification. This means that they assess and approve not only the manufacturing processes and systems of companies, but also the quality and conformity of their individual products. In addition to setting standards, SABS represents the national management norms and standards. They provide the coveted SABS Mark to products that meet these norms, giving consumers confidence in the quality and safety of the product. The SABS Mark has become widely recognized and trusted across various industries in South Africa. It serves as a symbol of product quality assurance, indicating that the product has undergone rigorous testing and meets the highest standards set by the industry and the nation.

Preço em pedido
Jill Inscrito desde julho 2023 On-line 4 julho 2023