Decapagem Sava Advantage – Lak Blanket

Peru, Região de Marmara, Istambul - veja a localização exata

Informações do produto

Volume de pedidos de: A pedido

Termos de entrega: Escolher

Informação básica

The SLB T-Form is a versatile self-adhesive blanket specifically designed for the continuous business forms industry. This product is specially formulated to provide exceptional printing qualities and is compatible with both UV and conventional inks.

One of the key advantages of the SLB T-Form is its easy adhesion and removal capability on various substrates, including metal cylinders and blankets. Furthermore, it can be easily repositioned after initial mounting, ensuring precise and accurate printing results. Once tightly clung, this blanket exhibits excellent stability, even at high press speeds, and can withstand the harsh chemicals commonly used in the printing process. Importantly, when the blanket is removed, no residual adhesive is left on the press cylinder.

The SLB T-Form is suitable for use in conventional hybrid printing applications. Please note that the information provided in this technical data sheet is based on our extensive industry experience and the tests conducted under controlled conditions.