
Áustria, Estado federal de Viena, Viena - veja a localização exata

Informações do produto

Volume de pedidos de: A pedido

Termos de entrega: Escolher

Informação básica

As the leading product in our range, Premium 1st Class Medjoul dates have been carefully selected and expertly packaged to meet the discerning tastes of luxury retailers and customers globally. These exceptional dates come in a variety of fruit sizes and package options, allowing for a tailored experience for every preference.

At Qamar Dates, we take pride in ensuring the utmost quality for our premium dates. With 0% to 10% skin separation, our dates possess a consistently smooth texture and are meticulously inspected to meet the highest standards. Each individual date weighs between 10 to 27 grams, offering a perfect balance between indulgence and portion control.

Furthermore, our Medjoul dates are sourced from the finest growers in the industry, cultivated with care and expertise. This ensures that every bite of our dates delivers a rich and satisfying flavor that epitomizes the premium quality associated with our brand.

Whether you are a high-end retailer or a connoisseur of fine dates, our Premium 1st Class Medjoul dates from Qamar Dates are the epitome of excellence, perfect for enhancing any occasion.

Preço em pedido
ACPFOOD Inscrito desde julho 2023 On-line 30 julho 2023 Ver todos os anúncios(9)